Sunday, October 28, 2007



POLICE: An organized body of people trained in the methods of law enforcement and crime prevention and detection, and authorized to maintain the peace, safety, and order of the community.

BRUTALITY: The state or quality of being ruthless, cruel, harsh, or unrelenting.

Police brutality, police misconduct and police acting as judge, jury and sometime executioner is common practice in the black community. All of these abuses are not accidents or errors or simply acts of individual malice. They flow from the policeman's role as agents of an absentee white citizentry, which owns all property in the blacck community and/or have a stake in the political and economic status quo.

With this type of attitude , black people are at a tremendous disadvantage and can never hope to receive the service and protection from the police they are rightfully due.
If we, as law enforcement professionals, are sworn to protect and serve the community, how come so many people of color do not see it this way? To our own young we are seen as enemies of the community. Why are we so disconnected from the community? As Black Men ans Women in the position of power we have a duty to return to the community to reach and teach the young. If we do not respect our own, why would you think that law enforcement professionals of other races would respect them?

"We are going to elevate the black policeman in black community to the same image-status enjoyed by white policeman in the white community"
Afro-American Patrolmans League

No matter how you my think, "Self Preservation Is The First Law Of Nature". For those who say they are doing something, then show me. The African proverb says "you can judge the tree by the fruit it bares". With more black men in jail than in college and the the NY State recidivism rate at over 60% in our local and state facilities and with black children graduating without basic reading, writing and math skills, our tree is sick.

"We will no longer permit ourselves to be relegated to the role of brutal pawns in a chess game affecting the communities in which we serve. We are mothers,fathers,husbands,wives,brothers,sisters,neighbors, and members in the black community. Donning the blue uniform has not changed this. On the contrary, it has sharpened our perception of our responsibilities as black men and women in a society seemingly unresponsive to the needs of black people. We see our role as a protector of this community and that is the role we ented to fill"
Afro-American Patrolmans League

As Black Law Enforcement Professionals we know first hand that the legal system is against the poor of all races especially the people of color. We boast about our positions in public, however, we take a stance of fear at work and fail to challenge the status quo. Some feel that they are separate when they are promoted – that they have arrived. They don't need any association with the common body. This is not true brother/sister law enforcement professionals. If they didn't respect you from the beginning, you are really their Negro now - their little back flunky. Make no mistake they fear the ones with unity. They will not admit it to you but they fear organized thought that creates movement and motion. It has been the fear of this country organized black people in motion.

"Moreover, it should be stated here,that many black police are against the system and have been for many years. However, they know if they would have spoken out against it, they would be subjected to unbearible pressure and even might suffer loss of their job. Black police are at a disadvantage in numbers and political backing; therefore, they are afraid to challenge the police structure."
Afro-American Patrolmans League

ORGANIZATION: Something made up of elements with varied functions that contribute to the whole and to collective functions

Black police properly organized could lead the strongest most effective movement for change, while still being considered within the system.

Organized black police represent black police power and organized black police represent a real political and economical threat to the white power structure.

Black Law Enforcement Professionals organization are the key. We are the best educated and trained black men and women in the world equipped to deal with the social and economic ills of our community. We have the knowledge to create and implement programs for our community instead of allowing outsiders making their pockets fat of a grants and initiatives for our youth. We are far from the dreams of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, W.E.B Dubious, Elijah Muhammad.

So I ask you. ?

Is it the white cop (the usual suspect) that abuses his authority and commits POLICE BRUTALITY? Or, Is it the black law enforcement professional, the one that sees the ills in the community but does not have the testicular fortitude to stand up to power and claim his community?



1 comment:

  1. Love the video with the Minister speaking and the slide show. That was deep, love the music and images that accompany what the Minister is saying.
    I am so very proud of you my brother. Putting yourself out there to get the information to the people. To speak out on the situations that affect our people. please continue to fight the power my brother.
    It is time our generation stop celebrating the accomplishments of the civil rights era and continue to fight.
    I applaud and encourage your efforts and pray they will influence many more of us to step up!
    AJ Woodson
