Monday, August 4, 2008

When will the Madness Stop and the Accountability Begin in Westchester N.Y. Justice System

A consistently alarming rate of cases of police criminality in Westchester County, especially regarding people of color and in the disadvantaged communities has been reported. The case of Mr. Rui Florim prompts us to ask the question, when will the madness stop? When will our elected officials and upper level leaders within law enforcement say enough is enough and the accountability actually begin?

Recommendations and reports have not stemmed the tide (or most would agree, the wave) of alleged civil rights abuses against our mothers, fathers, sisters, sons and daughters by those few that assume they are judge, jury, and executioner. Since October, 2006, Mayor Amicone and Commissioner Edmund Hartnett have become co-conspirators to the madness that has plagued the citizens of Yonkers and created a cancer for the rest of the Westchester law enforcement community. We are demanding that Yonkers Police Commissioner Edmund Harnett tighten up his belt and make Yonkers Internal Affairs a reliable source of accountability for his rank and file.

Law enforcement professionals are an asset to the community. Not holding the rogue officers who cross the line accountable for what would be crimes if they were ordinary citizens, tarnishes the good work and dedication of the many law enforcement professionals that have done good deeds for the community at large.

We are demanding that Westchester County District Attorney, Janet DiFiore and her team commence a full investigation of these rogue police officers for their criminal conduct. To pursue and prosecute Mr. Florim using an assault charge against him and accusing him of assaulting an officer’s knuckles is simply ludicrous. Mr. Florim received 72 staples to the head, stitches, and bruises to his entire body. The DAs office has not only made a mockery of the court and the justice system, they have eroded the trust in the process of true justice to the citizens of Westchester that DA Janet DiFiore claims to represent. She has once again proved her office is incapable of handling cases that involves police criminality. This is yet another reason for the need for a permanent State-Level Special Prosecutor to investigate and prosecute cases that involve alleged police brutality and police misconduct.

The Westchester Chapter of the National Black Police Association fully supports every family of every race, creed or color that has been victimized by police criminality. We all feel the same pain regardless of ethnicity or economic status.